Pancakes are possibly my favourite of all foods! Very closely followed by pastries. I'm not in any way religious but I do celebrate pancake day as I am sure most of you do. When I discovered that my dentist appointment was scheduled on pancake day I was totally devastated. If you knew me well enough, you'd know I even considered rescheduling! Not because I don't eat enough pancakes the rest of the year, but purely because the thought of everyone else enjoying this delicious, buttery, crispy, lemony batterfest without me makes me incredibly sad :(
There was only one thing for it... celebrate the day before! So here it is. My first recipe post. Seems fitting it's for pancakes. And I promise you... THIS IS THE ONLY PANCAKE RECIPE YOU WILL EVER NEED. (Adapted from the Gary Rhodes British Recipes Cookbook)
It was a rainy old night so first things first. I had to get cosy and set the mood.
Candles and raindrops <3 Daffodils are some of my favourite flowers too. They are happy flowers.
Pj's and slippers on, I was ready to go.
It wouldn't be a relaxing night in without my favourite candle. They remind me of our trips to Cornwall and make me feel like i'm back at our special place. It's just an added bonus that they smell AH-MA-ZING.
I like to cook in a clean kitchen, even if it looks like a bomb has hit it once i'm done.
Ingredients out at the ready, insert the tune from Matilda (when she makes the pancakes) here.
Measuring ingredients is definitely not my strong suit. I am more of a chuck everything in kinda girl but this requires a little more precision. We can't have pancakes less than perfection served up in my home.
The great thing about this recipe is the mixing order doesn't matter. Wack it all in a bowl or a blender. Both work well. Providing you have an electric whisk, blender or standing mixer - this solves any issues with lumpy batter.
And for the special ingredient. The reason these pancakes are the best pancake recipe you will ever taste and why no pancakes I've ever had compare to these… melted butter! They're obviously not for the health conscious.
Always fry them in butter not oil. This makes so so soooo much difference. If you've never tried it this way you are failing at life.
Almost ready….
Nearly there...
While you're waiting for the pans to heat up, use it as a sneaky opportunity to grab a drink. Nothing quite like a rhubarb gin and ginger ale to celebrate the fact that Monday was over.
Once they're in, you have to have a go at giving them a flip. It is compulsory.
This is where my input ends and Mr B takes over. Of the two of us, he is the pancake master. I am certainly not complaining about that.
I am a lemon and sugar kinda girl when it comes down to pancakes like this. You can't beat the sweet, sour, buttery...mmmmmmmmmmmm.
If you want to funk it up a little I totally recommend this spread. It is heaven. I end up just eating it with a spoon.
Are you a pancake roller or a folder? I love rolling them. I eat the middle sections first and save the crispy ends for last. They always seem to taste the best.
Rolled and ready, It was time to snuggle up in front of a few episodes of New Girl with a plate full of calories.
If you're smart, you'll load the dishwasher while you cook so you don't have to get up for the rest of the night.
Pancakes bring satisfaction like no other food I know. An evening well spent brings a week of content.
- MTWP xxx