Posts tagged nature

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I'm Liss... This is life through my lens <3 I love to take photos. I love to explore. I love to eat! Read more...

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One of the most picturesque things to do from Jasper is to visit the famous waterfalls. Each and every one is different from the last and all with their own unique beauty that will have you scraping your chin from the floor. Pop in for a peak

I can't tell you how excited I am to share these images. They are some of my proudest photographs and some of the most incredible views I have ever had the privilege of photographing in my life. The Icefields Parkway - one of Lonely Planet's epic drives of the world - is so far beyond epic

It has been an absolute age. What can I say?! Having a baby is a little hectic! Freshly prepared, you can almost smell its doughy goodness straight from the blogtacular oven; I bring you the beautiful Athabasca Glacier. Glacial like my pace, sparkly like the stars, turquoise like the ocean.

Having woken early in our lodge at Wild Renfrew, we packed up and headed back out to explore the island. Exploring the famous loop trail between Botany Bay & Botanical Beach, we searched for tidal life before heading across the island to a sunset stay in Qualicum Beach

Heading out into the blue, over the Canadian threshold and into American waters - I had no idea if we'd see anything at all. But this day was THE day. The day I got to fulfill a lifelong dream and witness Orca in the wild. It's a day I'll cherish forever and a reminder of how amazing our planet is
